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20th Century Russia


Throughout the 20th Century Russia unit, I learned so much from different Russian

leaders during the 20th. For instances, I learned about Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin,

Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, and Mikhail Gorbachev. I did a research for each

leader on when did they rule, how did they come into power, and what impact did they

have on the country. For each leader, they have different reform ideas for Russia. The

reforms are a communist revolution by Lenin, the Purge and the 5-year plan by Stalin,

Glasnost and perestroika by Gorbachev. Also, I learned some of the vocabularies that

were used during the 20th century in Russia.



The Benefits and downfalls of communism:


-Improvements in public health and education in Russia

-Built equality and strong social communities

-Developing the proletariat with knowledge

-supports widespread universal social welfare.

-People are equal. They are treated equally as in education, financial standing, etc. Jobs class don't separate or categorize people, which can lower the rate of crime and violence. For an example, doctors and workers are paid at the same wages. -Competition doesn’t exist since everyone are equal in class, wages and etc.

-Russia was more developed in industrialization.



-The production will be produced in low quality because the workers are not motivated since they will not get paid more even if they work harder.

-All business are owned by the government.-the central authority dictates the means and quantity of production, and places strict rules on businesses.

-forced collectivization- the land reform carried out by Soviets between 1928 and 1933 when the leader forced people to work. They believed that collectivization would maximize the use and potential of the countryside for urban and industrial needs.



Area of strength: Which standard was your strength and why?


  • Interpret central ideas and provide an accurate summary of sources while demonstrating relationship among ideas


  • Integrate visuals and/or data to support ideas


I think I did well on understanding the main ideas of the 20th Century Russia Reflection. The main ideas are the five leaders during that time, the events, and the impact on the country. Also, I support  my 100 years of communism and Lenin Timeline project with visuals and data.



Area of growth: Which standard needs improvement and how can you improve for the future?

  • Analyze and describe the causes and effects of authoritarian governments


Throughout this unit, I’m having trouble focusing on analyzing the cause and effect of each Communism leaders during the 20th. To improve this, I will have to remind myself to focus on analyzing more than summarize the main topic of the events and the leaders. Another way is to check my work to see if it’s more focus on the analyzing part or the main topics.


Lenin Timeline

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