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Cooking Reflection


Throughout this unit, I learned mostly about vocabulary that have to do with cooking such as directions/steps, cooking and kitchen supplies. The steps are first(primero), second(segundo), third(third), finally(finalmente), antes(before)and después(after). Also, I learned the three vocab about cooking such as to fry(fritar), to cut(cortar), and to wash(lavar). And this lesson I have to memorize that the frying pan is actually la sarten instead of el sarten. The best part of this unit is we get to cook Paella in class.


Why is it important to learning about cooking in Spanish?



Because it is important to learn about cooking vocabularies as it is something you can use to communicate with Spanish people and chefs. And if you want to become a chef in a Spanish language countries, you can use these terms to communicate with them easily. Another thing is I learned more about their culture, like Paella is one of their cultural dish.


  • Address topics related to daily life, their selves, and the immediate

I think this is my strength in this lesson since I learned the Spanish cooking vocabulary and then use it to form a sentence that actually make senses.




  • Use sentence-level elements to understand and produce communication

I still having trouble with forming a sentence in Spanish because I likely to forget to conjugate the noun and the verb. I think I can improve this weakness in the future by practicing forming sentences.



We cooked Paella in Spanish class for cooking lesson.

How to cook Paella?

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