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Unit Overview: For students to learn the properties of a chemical equation. They will need to be able to understand the law of conservation of mass. The students will prove their understand of the law of conservation of mass through balancing equations. They will be able to identify the type of chemical reaction taking place from a balanced equation.  

Personal Achievement: In this unit, there are two lessons which are types of chemical reactions and balancing chemical formulas. I’m proud that I learned new things like the five types of chemical reactions. Therefore, I am able to identify the types of each chemical formula. And this is what I achieved from this unit.

Enduring Understanding:Chemical equation represents the symbols and formulas of the chemical reaction. It is use to identify the relative molecular or molar amount of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. Products are always on the right of the equation, while the reactants are on the left. Balancing an equation in chemistry is important because it will complete the process of writing a correct equation, to do this you will need to use the law of conservation of mass. The relative amounts of reactants and products in the equation must be adjusted so that the numbers and types of atoms are the same on the both sides of the equation. But we only need to adjust the subscripts not the coefficient.

Steps of balancing a chemical Equation

1)Write down the number of atoms per element on each side of the equation.

2)Remember to always calculate the hydrogen and oxygen for last. Calculate the element with 1 molecule element to make it equal to the opposite side of the equation.

3)Once, that element is equal from both side, repeat the steps to other elements.


The 5 types of chemical reactions

Synthesis-Two or more substances combine to a new single compound. A+ X→ AX

Decomposition-a single compound reactant that reacts into two or more substances. Basically, this type is opposite of synthesis.AX→ A+x

Single-displacement reaction- only one element is move by a similar element in compound. A + BX → AX + B or Y +BX→ BY+X

Double-displacement reaction-the ions of two compounds exchange places in solvent solution to form two new compounds. One of the compounds formed is usually a precipitate, which means an insoluble gas that create bubbles usually in water. While the other compound is often soluble and remains dissolved in water. AX +BY→ AY+BX.



STRENGTHS-Demonstrates knowledge of all types of chemical reactions

I think I did well identifying double-displacement reactions and single displacement reactions since it is already said in the word itself. But I still get confused the difference between synthesis and decomposition reactions.

WEAKNESS-Applies mathematical representations to balance chemical equations

I believe that I’m still confused about how to balance a chemical equation. But I can improve this part by looking for tricks and tips online on balancing chemical equations.


Synthesis-Two or more substances combine to a new single compound.

A+X --> AX

Decomposition-a single compound reactant that reacts into two or more substances. Basically, this type is opposite of synthesis.


AX--> A + X

Single-displacement reaction- only one element is move by a similar element in compound


A + BX → AX + B or Y +BX→ BY+X​

Double-displacement reaction-the ions of two compounds exchange places in solvent solution to form two new compounds. One of the compounds formed is usually a precipitate, which means an insoluble gas that create bubbles usually in water. While the other compound is often soluble and remains dissolved in water.​




Combustion-When oxygen combines with another compound to form water and carbon oxide.



CH + O2--> H2O +CO2




1) N2 +H2 --> NH3


 The reactants is N2+ H2 and the product is NH3.


2) List out the number of atoms per element

Left side(reactants)       Right side(products)

N=2 H=2                         N=1 H=3


3)To balance the chemical equation, we need to adjust the coefficient.

N2 +H2 --> 2NH3

so now N=2 H=2 on the left, and the right, N=2 H=6


4) N is balanced from both side but for H is not balance yet(H=2-->H=6) so adjust the coefficient to 3 as it will multiply to the sucbscript which is 2.


  Balanced chemical equation: N2 + 3H2--> 2H3





Egg and vinegar

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