Here's an infographic about exponential functions that represents exponential growth with the topic of life expectancy. Life expectancy is useful for life insurance to predict their packages price and life expectancy in the future. I predicted the life expectancy in Thailand for the year of 2020 and 2070.
Grading Rubric
Written explanation of the growth/decay, how it is used in real life, etc.
Explanation is easily understood.
Interesting application in real life
Non-trivial example of growth and decay ____20____ (20pts)
Correct Equation and 2 Future Values
Equation is correct, work is shown
Future Value 1 (sometime close to present)
Future Value 2 (sometime in the distant future) _____15___ (20pts)
Accurate Graph (title and labels) with population indicated on each graph
Graph is correct
Labels _____10__ (10pts)
Visual Presentation
Contains all components of the project
Is visually appealing to the eye _____8___ (10pts)
Total _____53___ (60pts)