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Democratic Process Reflection




Personal Unit Overview: What did you achieve this unit?


As I organized and managed the political party throughout this unit, I had an opportunity to  achieve  great and useful ideas about the democratic electoral process. This unit is basically a electoral simulation that demonstrate an election situation by the three Canadian Parties included the Green Party, the NDP, and the Liberals. I was participated in The Liberals . Initially, I’ve learned about the electoral system and the value of this party. Particularly, I achieved the informations about them including the key issues the Liberals are targeting to change in Canada. For example, they mentioned to change Canadian’s taxes, improve the environment and community services. Indeed,  this unit process, we had an requirement for this project, a campaign video to represent the Canadians. I used the new video creator called Binumi. This convenient site help me achieve my technology skills. Furthermore, I learned into wider perspective of the electoral process with the professionals, Seb, the journalist and Derek, who works for the Liberals Party. For instances, I’ve learned their opinions on their jobs and how the legit electoral process works. However, the last thing I achieve from this unit is when we really demonstrate in the act of election. I get to learned what do the citizens really wants. They wanted a party that seems legitable and interesting with their slogan and campaign videos to rely on.



Enduring Understandings: How do democratic political parties gain control of government?


Democratic political parties gain control of government in difference ways to maintain and win the election. Political parties compete against another political party to gain the power. Initially, they must work together to gain attention from the citizens or voters. Voter is a method for citizens to meet an election, so they can make decision or express an opinion on the best candidate regardless of their party. Voters want a hard working party  that seems legit and trustable.Nevertheless, an successful party must obtain an organized system that clearly represent their stable key ideas or solutions. Parties want to win elections, they must recruit people who are likely to win. A real leadership do experience on being responsible, simplify, hard-working, confident, and fairness. More importantly, they will need to be charismatic. In the hope to win the citizens’ heart. In local political campaigns, often one of the most effective and beneficial activities is to canvassing, which mean knocking on door to door. This method will lead the political to get closer to the citizens and understand their needs. Additionally, each political party create a speech to represent their party. Speeches helps to symbolize their own party as well as promoting. Eventually, citizens will remember their memorable speeches. Political with the most heart touching and meaningful speeches and representation will gain power and win the election.


Unit Standards:


  • Interpret central ideas and provide an accurate summary of sources while demonstrating relationship among ideas

  • Integrate visuals and/or data to demonstrate analysis

  • Evaluates multiple sources to synthesize and integrate information



  • Analyze and describe the structures of states and governments

  • Analyze and describe the causes and effects of citizen participation on state affairs


Area of strength:

I don’t have difficulties on creating the campaign video for the Liberals Party. At first, I used Binumi to create the first campaign video, but my teammates think we should improve because it’s too dull. So we decided to use Imovie and upload some  short delightful clips from Youtube to Imovie. The reason I think this was my strength is because I only created the campaign video on Imovie that only took me one day to finished. I think I am already used to Imovie. Other than that, the standard that was my strength are my journalist questions. My journalist questions are interesting and thoughtful such as “What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of your organization?”



Area of growth:


I do still have difficulties in collecting the informations about how the government system works. Also I tend to struggle on gathering the most important key issues in the Liberals Party. My teammates mostly collected the key issues. Nevertheless, I’m still not  being fully confident when I’m was a journalist asking question to the leader of the Green party. However, I think I can improve my confidence ness by practicing talking in front of the crowd. Anyway, I think I can improve my imovie campaign video smoothness. I can improve this in the future by not rushing and place the clips and background music in the right order to create a smooth touch and flow.




First, we collected the key issues on Google Drive. Then,  I collected the most important key created my first campaign video on Binumi, and my second video was created on Imovie Youtube. Lastly, here are all  my Journalist Questions .







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