Unit 2: 3D Printing Original Artwork
Unit Overview/Goal:
For this unit I created a 2D drawing (sketch or doodle) using 2 out of the three artistic elements; repetition, pattern and rhythm. After creating my drawing of a flower on paper, turned it into a vector graphic using the Adobe Shapes app, and then revised my drawing in Adobe Illustrator. I had to save my drawing as a .svg file, and upload this to TinkerCad. Here I was able to extrude it into a piece of 3D art. When held up to the window the thin parts (that I extruded) are able to be seen.
Enduring Understanding: How are the artistic elements; repetition, pattern, and rhythm applied to 3D art.
My design of a flower does included the artistic elements: repetition, pattern, and rhythm. The flower has a different patterns around the design. The patterns of each were repeated around the flower, making it a repetition design. Lastly, the rhythm of this flower design is the curves of the pattern that create energy in this design.
Reflection on Progress Towards the Standards: