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What did you archieve this unit?

Throughout this unit, I watched a documentary about dictatorship behaviors. After that, I chose Cuba to research on their refugees, the Castros, and the relationship of Cuba between the  U.S and Russia. I found out that the citizens were unhappy about how the Castro rule their country with no freedom. So they flee to the U.S for more freedom while Barack Obama is trying to help Cuba. While Putin are planning to work with Raul Castro on trading business.


Why do authoritarian governments exist?

Authoritarian government still exist these days because there are still some greedy government . The definition of authoritarian is when a government has most of the power to control the country while the citizens have limited freedom. An authoritarianism leader might only interested in their personal power and wealth. They are one of the most powerful person or group in the country so there aren’t really any chance to take their power away, this is another reason why authoritarian is still going on around the world. Other than that, communism countries tend to be part of  authoritarian government since communism control equality such as class levels and wages.


Can dictatorship be a beneficial form of government?

Yes, it could be a good form of government because it at least empower to the country and prevent invasions. For instances, in Spain, the Thirties and Chile in the Seventies, prevent invasion by Marxist. Also, dictatorship can control and getting things done because they are motivated to maintain their power. Dictatorship countries tend to have a stable government since it is only control by one person instead of having elections that might lead to protesting due political factions. There will be less corruption as there is only one strict leader to control the country. Overall, dictatorship can be a beneficial form of government as it comes to power stabilizing.


Strengths and WEakness area

Analyze and describe the causes and effects of authoritarian governments


Analyze and describe the causes and effects of authoritarian governments


I think I did pretty well explaining the causes and effects on Cubans citizens and refugees in the U.S.


Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of sources and connect insights



I realize that I didn’t cite specific textual evidence onto my essay on Cubans citizens and refugees. I think I could improve this weakness by note down the  websites I use for each specific information so I don’t forgot to cite my textual evidence.


Dictatatorship Current Event

Discussion Leader


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