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Unit 3:Inventions and Prototype Printing


UNIT 3 Overwiew:

In this unit we learned about how innovative thinking changes the world. We started by doing some research on big projects and inventions that are happening right now, such as Google Loon. This invention’s goal is to bring the internet to places that do not currently have access. The hope of the project is that by giving everyone access to the internet it will bring positive change to the world. We then starting thinking about everyday inventions that exist. Some are small and some are big, but all bring some conveience or positive change to the person using them. I research and shared with the class an invention on Umbrella Hat. During this part we worked on our presentation and sales pitch skills. Then I had to think of my own invention. I had three initial ideas, and narrowed it down to one. I decided to design Iphone Charger Holder. I first had to make sure I planned what I wanted the invention to look like, and most of all carefully planned all my measurements. After learning how to use a new 3D designing software called 123D Design, I began to design my invention. I had to print a couple of test prototypes before my final design functioned and was printed. I also added artistic elements so that it would be attractive for people to want to buy. At the end of the unit I presented my invention in front of the class, using good presentation and sales skills.


How can Innovation change the world in a positive way?

Innovation can change the world in a positive way because it solve big and small problems that mostly everyone gone through in everyday life. It made their life easier and organized. New inventions changed the world because people share their ideas through media such as smartphones. New ideas will lead to a better and developed world. Also, people will have more chance on contacting other people from across the world, this will make them happy:)


Why is the revision process important and how do we use revision in our design process?

Revision process help us figure out what is/are still missing in my inventions after 3D printed such as incorrect measurement, improvements, and artistic elements. This process will make inventions become better after we fixed the problems.  Throughout the invention project, I redesigned and readjust the measurements of my cable keeper 3 prints. My final product is so much better than the 1st print because the hook fits to the zipper and I add in patterns to create an engaging product.




Final Prototype:  

Generated, refined (revised), and designed an artistic element to the prototype demonstrating artistic elements; repetition, rhythm, and pattern.


I think I did well on showing my artistic elements clearly especially the pattern. I use hearts to represents pattern on my product. This will attract more customers to buy my cable keeper.



Defining Problems: Analyze real-world problems or needs by specifying criteria and constraints for

successful solutions.


I think I can improve my presentation skills since I didn’t really show the audiences how my product work. to improve this part, I can add in a  real life photos to show the audiences clearly.


My 3 SWEET Invention Ideas

Final Product
123d Design

Revision Tracker

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