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Personal Unit Overview: What did you achieve this unit?

Throughout the unit, I’ve achieve to understand the definition of political attitude and culture. Also, I’ve learned about the specific political behavior, unconventional behavior for  Thailand event. The event I chose for this behavior is during 2012-2013 in Bangkok, where the Yellow shirt and Red Shirt had set up an protest due to Yingluck’s new law. I achieved the causes and effects of my country’s crisis.


How do political behaviors affect society?

Political behavior analyze human activity participation in politics. It can be their political views, ideology, and levels of political participation. Political behavior can affect the society, depending on individual’s political participation level. If most of the citizens participate in politics, then there will be more chance on having a better society because people give more attention to their needs in politics leading to a change.


Area of strength: Which standard was your strength and why?


Area of growth: Which standard needs improvement and how can you improve for the future ?


  • Uses multiple sources to synthesize and integrate information


  • Integrate visuals and/or data to demonstrate analysis


My area of strength is mainly on using multiple sources to synthesize and integrate information because I used more than two sources to find information for this project. Also, I think I integrate enough visuals to demonstrate the causes and effects of the political behavior.



  • Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of sources and connect insights

I think I still need to use specific textual evidence to support the idea. In the future, I can improve this weakness by using an important and specific information textual evidence.


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